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Gallery - Page 9

A gallery of finished work from a Distant Era.
March 29, 2021

Ada and the Projection

In which we explore the thrills and challenges of shooting with digital projections with Brookelyn Hébert for The Artistic Home's 2019 production of Ada and the Engine, by Lauren Gunderson.…
March 15, 2021

Captain Amelia

This image of Elizabeth MacDougald as Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet was taken in May 2020 as part of a home session during the pandemic.…
March 8, 2021

The Ancient One

In which we present designer Erin Gallagher in her costume interpretation of Morla the Ancient One, the giant turtle oracle from The Neverending Story, with makeup by Michelle Rose Nobs.…
February 8, 2021

Quicksilver of the Jazz Age

This week, we return to Erin Gallagher’s gender-bent Jazz Age superhero series with a look at Quicksilver as portrayed by Elizabeth MacDougald, decked out in 1920s Gallagher glam.…
January 18, 2021

T’Challa of the Jazz Age

It is the age of jazz. The sound of swing electrifies the speakeasies: Ellington and Armstrong, Fitzgerald and Holliday. It is an age of style and glamor, sleek Art Deco, sequins, and flappers. It…
January 1, 2021

Lady Brimstone

“Her hair was the fading fire of an ember, but her eyes had seen the sea and contained the storms and squalls and the becalmed waters that follow on the tempest; her…
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